Tag Archive | global catastrophe

The Time of Your Great New Beginning Is Now


To say that you are without help in this time of change is to deny the truth of our existence. We of the lighted realms of life have far more to do in your world than to sit at the sideline and cheer you on as you work your way through the progressive levels of awakening yet before you. You who have been doing the hard work and those who have found their way along the energetic lines the pathmakers have cleared will hear some new information very soon about the help poised to present itself. Be aware of the movements toward clarity and follow the way well-lit that leads to the heart’s knowing. It is there that our voices arise with your own. It is there where you will recognize yourself and it is from there that you will take your new form as people of light. When you emerge from your planetary heart center, which is within every being of Earth, you will be as if transformed.

Some portray what is coming as catastrophic or at least world-changing. For some, the time of transformation may be thus. However, it is not necessarily to turn your world upside-down, nor to bring to ruin the lives of every sentient being on the planet. The days ahead, as you see them now, are fraught with uncertainty, yes, but what you cannot yet discern in the shadows where daylight has yet to reach with its bright rays is not yet a monster. As the time has not come for the future’s unveiling, it is impossible to say what, exactly, is lurking there. While you sense the impending fall of a great and powerful beast, do you not also sense the presence of benevolence, well-being, and community? Cohesion of intent to bring a great light into nascence? We of the League of Light feel this pulsation, we hear the heartbeat of new life within the womb of Earth’s sphere. As midwives we come with support and encouragement, as the temporal squeezing intensifies and you, the living beings of Earth’s sphere, come into the knowing that new life is about to make itself known. The creation of human consciousness in recognition of itself, the surrender to the OM of love’s omnipresent embrace, the recognition of the whole of who you have been in the totality of time, in the momentary interaction of one with another, this is the fertile ground from which life has gathered its light and now redefines itself, bringing you and all of humanity with it. What looms for you is not a catastrophic end, but a bold new beginning. Men and woman of light you are called, and thus you enter into a new dawn of history.

We do not mean to say, however, that all will be rosy and bright for all people. Some have come to experience contrition, denial, or engorgement in this life. For whatever reason they have chosen to be here now, they will not be denied the choice of experience. Love is available to all, in all forms, and however any beingness chooses to experience it is up to them. We will not interfere. You have the laxity of demand, however, to bend reality from within the matrix-frame of Earth in such a way that the greatest good, the most radical transformation, is experienced by the greatest number of people, for the greatest benefit of all. This we encourage you to do, if you are willing and able. It is the surest path to the best outcome in the biggest picture.

When will the long-anticipated events happen? This we will not answer. Your own choices determine the events on your timeline, and those things that are already chosen for the timeline of the collective will have to be a surprise. There is little that any one person can say with certainty that will indeed take place along the continuum of your people’s existence, for outcomes are only visible from points in time after their occurrence. Add to that the uncertainty that is part of having free will and unlimited potential, and prediction becomes a very risky business, indeed.

There are plenty of possible realities that you can enter into, on the other hand, and we can tell you something about that. What will you do with the information? It is the question any person of wisdom would ask before sharing time’s secrets. Knowledge is a potent thing. So I must say to you, think about what you want to experience next, and put this destination into your heart. Then realize that the way from where you are to where you want to be may not reveal itself all at one time. It is true, is it not, that you never know exactly what’s around the next corner? Thus it is, and to know all is to steal from yourself a treasure you have yet to discover, much less possess the value of.

As the days move on and you watch another page of the calendar turn, are you the same person you were just a short time ago? Have intervening months between then and now wrought a new visage upon the vehicle of your soul? Love is ever-present wherever the soul is involved and living in the world of light’s interplay with itself. What will you do when all of your expectations of life’s drama have been met? What will be left for you then? We tell you, what you do at that point is to change. It is the only thing left. You have probably felt this understanding moving closer to the forefront of your mind, and you may have become aware of watching yourself moving ever closer to that tipping point of transformation. It is happening to many to some degree of perceptibility and it is happening to the planet as a whole as well. The expectations of a people, the expectations of the biosphere itself, are readying the end of extenuation and thus change is inevitable. It is one thing to cope with personal change, and quite another to be aware of being part of a more universal wave of change.

Should you prepare for large-scale cataclysms or volatile outbursts of energies? Dearest kin, we point out that you have always been tangentially involved with the myriad cataclysms now raging across the planet, as you are part of her living body while you draw sustenance from it. Your life depends on her life. Are you ready to deal with your polluted atmosphere of thought to accelerate the processes of clearing, cleaning, and creating yourself anew? This is how the Earth enters into the transformation and how you can as well enter more fully into your own transformation. Do you need to be well-stocked before problems arise? You can always plan ahead, but when the time comes for all to change, having extra food on hand will only serve to bring momentary peace of mind. There are other factors to consider besides the matter of survival, which will become more clear as the dust settles.

We do not foresee, nor do we see from any other point in time’s linear perspective, that global chaos, mass panic, hardship, or suffering need to be part of the picture as the present moment unfolds into the future. There are some who would like that to be, but if you are anticipating light, peace, wisdom, freedom, and so on, that is very well what you will greet. Granted, some chaos is inevitable as your mind takes in the devastation of the dying aspect of the world. There will be some of that yet to witness while First Contact has its time in the news, knowledge of big secrets takes center stage, structures of belief shake, and masks fall. The time for this is at the threshold and soon things will shift. Already you see this happening, but the time for this to play out is short. While change is underway, as many sense now, fear need not be present within the hearts or minds of anyone with an eye fixed on Love. As a reality-maker, love does a much more satisfying job than does fear.

We know that many people speculate now about certain ritual patterns that foreshadow a dire new world at the entrance of the gate. Know that this will not be. You have already lived that reality vicariously through the act of surrendering to it in thought. Thus it has played itself out and you have survived. You have no need to relive old mythologies nor to heed the pronouncements of doomsayers. You can see the threats already, and while you may not yet have the power to determine the outcome of some experiments and programs, you do possess the technology to rewrite the system software, so to speak, so that activities designed to prolong and intensify the subjugation and suffering of any being will result in empowering, benefiting, and uplifting all, instead.

How you go about this is a matter of joining the sentient biosphere of the planet in releasing decay, turning what you have accumulated as yesterday’s remnants into fertile ground for a new crop of dreams, entering the depths of self-knowledge, and breathing life into the system parameters. Call for the interconnection of light to coalesce into the steady, resonant heartbeat of a greater system in which self-sustaining, mutually supportive love forms the basis for vibrant, living communities. Are you ready for that kind of outcome, dear kin? You are free to release the thoughtforms that entrap the spirit in lock-step toward oblivion. Indeed, there is little we can do while the collective mind still entertains fantasies of enslavement and technological nightmares-come-true. We won’t contradict the will of a sovereign people, but we will remind you of your options, lest you forget how to create an alternative door for yourselves. Sweep the way clear within and you will find it.

I leave you now in peace and with thoughts lit with power and bright hope. May my words find a fertile place in your heart from which to grow in the fullness of peace, wisdom, and brotherhood. Until next time, this is Anica of the League of Light. I bid you peace.

The Truth of Living Is Life Itself

life is living

In one sense, the word “life” is understood to mean anything that lives and breathes and procreates, and this is held sacred. In another sense, it is taken as a signal of consciousness indwelling in a distinctly individual creature or organism, and is held to be inviolate. In other modes of understanding, it can refer to that which animates a creature, the meaningful energetics of a party or other social communal happening, or inseparable power of that which withstands the ravages of time, destruction, and death. All of these are arguably “life” and we agree that these terms meet the definition of the word to some extent. You are aware, if you meditate or otherwise tune into a greater one-definition of awareness, that there is more to the meaning of life than these simplistic renderings of thought and experience. Life is something in which living happens, in which creation is created, in which mathematics is computed, words are given form, and movement takes on the lightwave formulations of interactivity with divine intelligence. Are these also not life? It is the field in which all consciousness reverberates and it is the reverberation itself, and the manifestations of material agglomerates which inherently take form within that field and that reverberation. Life is inseparable from love, though that is a subject for further informational sharing at another time. For now, it is enough to see that what you call life exists beyond the existence you are aware of and beyond what you can even explain or imagine… for life is everything that IS.

Because life is so durable, it is always becoming new in some way. It takes form and turns itself into a moment out of time as the in-breath of divine intelligence pauses to allow the whole of everything to readjust, following your retreat into the abyssal-looking void of life after life. Then, just before the out-breath that is birth into form, the divine intelligence takes itself into the interiorness of what is to be the heart of a living being and resides there, pulsating its sense of self into the living, breathing being that you become for a time on this Earth. And so it is with other life-forms on other planets, in other dimensions where form is formless to your present understanding but physicality is in existence as a new and exciting idea for you to grasp as you train your inner senses on understanding what you are now becoming, yourselves. It is life that you are exploring, dear ones, and it is life that is exploring you. In this symbiosis is divinity found.

This is our state of being. This is what is fundamentally identical between you and us. It is this single fact of life that makes you and us into “we” and what will bring into the public third eye of your people the truth of who we are, and who you are as galactic people, as dwellers of a planet within a loving network of galactic civilizations, cultures, and ways of living. It is this that is what gives you as a people the edge of real survival in a world that is in the chaos of transformation and outward expansion in all aspects of its nature, and what will bring you into the realization that you are indeed not just creating your reality, but you have already etherically created it in the act of taking form and opening to the movement of the grace of divine intelligence through you unhindered by egoic constructs or outmoded and useless beliefs in the necessity of freedom from bondage or light versus dark in eternal battle. In fact, dear ones, there is nothing that is not light, there is nothing that is not good, there is nothing that is not free except your own perception of the truth of who you are. You are love incarnate. In this, there is no room for concepts of slavery or degradation to separate you from the essence of divinity which you are. These are tools which you employ for the growth of your understanding of love, and the time has come for them to be discarded in favor of other, more upgraded tools of spiritual envelopment of your mind in its quest for greater conceptual coherence with the unity of truth. Seeing yourselves as divine is the first and perhaps most important step in approaching this phase of transformative knowing. It is the only step, in fact, and the one that will bring you home.

Secrets in the Shadows

Secrets in the Shadows: Golden Moonlight Clouds

This is the transcript of an audio channeling from Anica, which is part of a series of teachings from Nine through the League of Light. The series is called “Behind the Sun.” This is the first of that series. You can listen to or download the MP3 or watch a video version of this teaching.

We welcome you to this discussion, where we will be talking about something that will be of use to you in the days that are unfolding around you. This is Anica. I come to you as one who is in service to humanity at this time, with the auspices of the League of Light. We are a collection of civilizations which spans the galactic arm of which you are a part and various places within and without your galactic home. Our mission is simple. It is just to burgeon up the survival of life and to facilitate the expression and the experience of love wherever it is. You on Earth at this time are of interest to us because we are related through blood, through genetics. We have been part of your timelines, your historical epochs. We have been involved with your development as a humanity on Earth, acting as teachers and guides and always with the interest of your brightest future in mind.

What do we mean by this, you may ask? It is merely that we love you, for one thing, and we have been waiting for millennia of your time to witness what is now coming to be, the awakening of a consciousness that is further than the individual, a consciousness that spans the people in such a way that access to the higher faculties of a collective consciousness becomes a natural state when you, each of you is an integral part of what you might call an organism of humanity, a people in harmonic resonance with each other, sustaining the balance of life within your species and your environment. Now, as things have proceeded from one disaster to another, as you have perceived it through the lenses of what has been allowed to be shared globally from one person to another through a collective media, which shows you pictures and tells you stories, you have been witnessing a decay of the systems that sustain life. This is a cause of distress for many of you and it is a state which we understand very well, for we have seen it and experienced it ourselves.

Our history is entwined with yours in a way that enables us to share with you some hope for a future in which life continues and thrives and is impacted not by outside forces of greed or internal forces of entropic corruption. These you are familiar with and many more of you are awakening to. That is a natural part of the evolution of a society which has perhaps too much of a dependence on technology at the sake of balance with a more spiritual mode of understanding how to get things done. An over-reliance on technology has led in part to what you have seen happening. What remains invisible yet is still quite a potent threat, and by this we are speaking of the toxicity in your environment which has spanned the globe at this time, that threatens the ability of what brings life into being and sustains it… keeps it, actually, from continuing in a way that leads to a greater state of well being. The radioactivity that has seeped into every corner of the background, it remains un-remarked upon in great part so as not to alarm the greater people. And there are those who choose to remain in ignorance of it. It is not something which you have the ability to respond to in a way that will negate its effects. It is having quite a negative effect as it is. We do not pretend that it is not a threat to your environment but we do say that the technology exists and is available to you for a cleanup and a reparation. This we will come to in a moment.

There is a greater toxicity which is sweeping the world, one that is more interactive with the consciousness of the people who are moving about and one that is experiencing a state of decay more rapid than the radioactive materials of which we have just spoken. It is up to you, each of you, to be part of the social structure in a way that best allows you to experience what you came here to experience. You are here as emanations of a greater intelligence and soul. You are here as embodiments of a great light, and when you have completed your mission in this world, you shall return to that which you have come from without needing to feel any regret for what you have accomplished or not accomplished while in this realm.

There is not a need for you to feel pressured by anyone to do that which is not comfortable for you to do but there is a need for you to respond to what your soul is urging you to attend to. The world needs your presence, and you have come to this place, to this time, to this body that you inhabit for a purpose. While that may be hidden from your direct cognizance, we can say you have come here for a purpose and you have a mission to fulfill, each of you, the weakest among you, the most unheard of you. Anyone who has come into being on this world at this time is here for a very good reason.

You are learning to discern the secrets of your soul, and we have been whispering to those who will listen, and speaking to those who can hear. And so we address you now, at this time, when so much seems to be coming to a boiling point. It is a time of transformation from one phase of being to another. It is a time when the solidity of unawareness, the sleep of being frozen within a matrix, be it from pressure, be it from inertia, for whatever reason, there is rigidity. There is now a time of greater loosening of the bonds that have been tying us, as a people, together. We are becoming more able to interact fully with you, and you as a people are becoming more able to discern truth, to take upon you a risk of breathing more deeply into the being which you came here to be.

As these bonds find a greater ability to flex, they will find a greater ability to support you within a movement of change. Know that we are with you at this time, as we have been. Our role is changing, as yours has been. As you have, many of you, stepped into an arena of activity and consciousness where you are daring to be in benevolence and unity, so we are able to find the space to interact with you in a more personal way. What does this mean? In quite a nutshell, dear ones, it means that we are on our way to a great interactivity in which humans of Earth and humans from other worlds will be cognizant of the other’s physicality to a greater degree.

And now we come to the question again of the balance of technology and the spirit. How are you equipped, dear ones? Do you rely on night-vision goggles to see what you cannot see in the shadows, or has your inner eye developed the discernment to see the light that has been hidden from you by necessity of evolutionary growth, by necessity of historical freedom to experience what is to be? We have been waiting for this time, and we have traveled very far, dear ones! We have a greater understanding of how these things work, of course, and we are eager to share with you as you step into the understanding that is necessary, and there is a change that is necessary in order to embrace what is waiting and available. The things you have been feeling in your bodies, the changes you have noticed in your relations and your environment and your happenings… so much is changing. There are pains and there are releases. There is vertigo involved in this loosening from a density of bondage into a more fluid state of freedom.

The steps each of you over the years, some of you over decades, most of you over lifetimes, have accumulated into the critical mass that has been necessary to effect this transformative state, now. In the days to come, you will witness a further breaking of the crystallizations that the social order has imposed over a very long, long time. The imperceptible slowing of your natural vivacity is about to accelerate in a way that is going to surprise a lot of people.

We are deeply aware, dear ones, that you have been hearing this kind of talk before. Unseen by you, many things have changed that were necessary, if not visible, but very real. It has needed to change behind the scenes in order for what will be experienced by all to have more than a foundation but a trajectory to follow.

The consciousness of each of you is contributing to this machinery of spiritual emboldened flight. This takes time, of course, and where you exist time is a very real concept, one which leads to a great frustration, but one which you have not run out of, dear ones. In the days and weeks that are before you, yes you will see some things changing, and if you can tune into the background frequencies, you will perceive some movement there as well. It requires a sensitivity and a courage which is not unlike the kind of courage it takes to look into the shadows of a dark room and see what is moving there.

Many of you have a fear innate of what might be lurking in the darkness, what might be moving among the shadows, or perhaps waiting in stillness with them, unseen, black. We understand what is happening in these shadows, for we have seen them. Our eyesight has been trained and eons of immersion in the evolution of galactic humanity have given us a keen insight into what is hidden in some of the lesser-seen vibrations of light.

What is in the shadows, dear ones, is a function of the shadows. It is a function of light which has slowed down so that it can experience love more intimately in a place and mode of temporality in which light of a higher frequency is unable to pierce without changing it. Within the shadows is an intelligence, dear ones, and there is movement — very slow — which underpins some aspect of the matrix in which you operate. There is a truth within the shadow which cannot be separated from the truth which is of the great light of OM.

The time has come for the shadows to dissolve, and with them the fear that has been anchored in them from the consciousness of the greater humanity. Realize your part in this. Allow yourselves to untie this anchor from around your heart, allow it to rest in dissolution. It need not carry you with it, for you have greater things to attend to at this time, with fearlessness born of knowing that there is nothing to be afraid of any longer. What is invisible in your environment is a threat to your peace of mind and the wholeness of your body is part of a greater shadow, not of darkness but of a dimension subservient to the one which you strive to operate within. there is a necessary understanding to come to regarding this and we are very aware of the situation. It is not one that we have caused. It is one that we are witnessing and we see that people everywhere are demanding that things change and so they shall but know that it will not be without some chaos, for that is a function of transformation. Any of you who has watched a pot of water coming to a boil can understand this.

In the liberation of humanity from the understanding of what it has been accustomed to seeing itself as, into a greater realm of expression of self as embodiment of soul in greater communication with Source, we have been watching the distance shrinking between the time of your imprisonment within ignorance and sleep, as you have been awakening into a beautiful blossoming of joy despite everything that your eyes are witnessing. It is not to say you are without compassion for those who are suffering but you can see dear ones, can you not that the whole of humanity is shifting, the planet itself is readying for a shift from one phase of being to another, and every creature on it is participating in one way or another.

We of the League of Light wish to see the beauty of this transformation in its fullest expression and hope that each of you is able to resonate your state of awareness to melt the crystallization of fear that exists within this invisible matrix, to negate the effects of decay in the spirit of the hope of those who are linked to you through a network of human beingness. We are with each of you in a state of awareness and love. It is with great respect for all that you are and all that you have been, yes, and all that you are becoming that we address you now. This is what we have as our great pleasure and duty at this time, to be with you in this transformative state of time. I leave you now with these thoughts and the wish that you understand and can hear the whispers that we have been sharing with you all. May the hope of a brighter day spur you on to extend the light within you into the dissolving shadows of another person’s despair. There is none among you which we don not have a cognizance of. Such is the nature of being for you to yet discover in the transformation that awaits. For now, let this be and rest within your minds. I am Anica of the League of Light. I bid you peace, until next time we speak.

Taking Formation

handful of dust

Before you ask what the subject of this message will be, I would ask that you remain in a place within your mind of beginningness and openness. That will make what I am saying make more sense in these chaotic times of turmoil that your planet is in. You may think that everything is going along smoothly for everything and everyone in the grand scale, but the truth is, many of your neighbors are wondering how they will make ends meet, not only on their own needs but on the totality of getting to the next level of human development in a meaningful way. You need only look so far as the weather to see strangeness and unpredictability. It is a hint at the way things will be continuing for a while. I am not suggesting any kind of doom, dear ones, but I am saying that the time is now for getting your minds in synch in the general thought of big steps forward. The time for waiting for what’s next is coming to a close. It is followed by something quite new to your world, something that will help you put each other into greater focus. In a word, that thing is blazing in your minds already, and it is truth.

What you discovered some time ago about the secrets that had been kept away from you was like the bell on an alarm clock, signaling that it was time to stop dreaming and start opening your eyes to the reality around you. Unfortunately, the reality for many was not the thing that would have been welcomed, so it worked on them to either decide to change it or go back to sleep. It is now that the time has come to bring your consciousness forward in the understanding that things on the Earth will never instill peace of mind until the new idea of Earth sends its tethers into the being of this now. In a nutshell, you just have to ask about the ability of everything you understand to be real to still be meaningful in a new way, then let the line go. If you are able to find your footing when the world shifts, see what comes into view as leading you to new ground, and follow it to the future as it embraces the now. In this way you will find the path under your feet to be clear and safe to follow, while everything else is falling into fine dust. A pattern will emerge, and you can find your way if you allow your innate je ne sais quoi to become the new expression of I AM.

If you are wondering what exactly I’m referring to, it is simply the final state of That Which Has Been giving its fond farewell to the light of day, and bowing out as the curtain raises to reveal a new dawn arising. It is only the beginning that is coming into view now, but it is a promising sight to be hold, dear ones! You have not yet finished the external engagement with the shadow-masters, but the end is in sight, and you will soon find that the old world of what has been has simply slipped away. Like dust in your fingers, it nullifies structure and form, and we are ready to help with the final sweep of the terrestrial home, on your cue. I hope you have understood what I’m trying to say. The time is coming quickly that understanding is best incorporated into your general mind, so you don’t have to figure too much out in the scene change.

In the light of that bit of information, I bid you peace and remind you that we of the League of Light and other formations of interstellar conscious beings are on the horizon and ever becoming closer to the world of time which you inhabit. Remain upbeat, for the shift that the ancients foretold has not passed you by, not by a long shot. It is upon you now, and it is within your power to stay focused in the frequency of light best matched to your connection to soul. This is the line that will lead you home. Let go of everything else. Let your mind settle on the life-giving field emerging from the dust. We are here to experience a new day, and you are too. Let this be enough for now.

Hang On

Black clouds have not blocked the light. You have not perished. We have not ignored your requests for help and intervention on the world stage, but we have also been mindful of your need to experience the drama now playing out all around you. Right until the last minute. We will present ourselves, but not until your fear has been outweighed by your freedom-loving hearts in unison. You have nearly achieved harmonic resonance in this regard. You have only a mastery to gain from the momentary hope to the fully aware realization of the true empowerment of the human species in the face of a dread so deep it shakes you to the core.

Now is the time to ask your soul to show you what you have always been resistant to seeing. Now is the time for you to shed the last vestiges of slavery to outmoded forms of belief and self-definition. What use are they to you anymore? Have you noticed that the world has changed, that what has been kept from view is presenting itself in full view? The Earth has had its share of trouble, and is showing signs of major restructuring to come. This should not be surprising to you; you have had warnings and prophecies aplenty, and the signs of change are all around you. Yet, where can you go? What can you do? Will the Earth open up and swallow itself? You fear annihilation. There is no death, you know. Only transformation awaits. What use is fear? It is of no use, we assure you, except in the hands of those who would use it against your own will to become awake and empowered, free and unfettered from the grip of slavery’s hypnotic sleep. Be without fear, and what you will for yourselves faces no obstacle. Be without fear, for what is in the process of becoming has the sanction of your soul, individual and collective. Be without fear and your vision will be clear to see the perfection in what is to be. Do not interpret this as a call to complacency; rather, it is a reminder that fear is optional.

If you will remember why you are now present on this plane of existence, you may see the possibility of a future Earth in which fear practically has no meaning. You may know what your soul put forth as life for this incarnation, and remember what was breathed into your beingness in that moment before you took form. Can you hear the whisper of time? Do you feel the stirrings of life forgotten coming alive in the eternal codes encapsulated within your body’s cells? This is what you came here to experience – this moment now. Who you are is becoming. We have said this to you before. Now you are closer to realizing these words. Who you are is becoming, and nothing – not death’s doorway, not the fissioning of Earth’s elemental body, not any harmonic of fear’s synthetic symphony of control – no person, place, or thing can keep you from your appointment with divine self realized. You have come to this temporal coordinate to know what it is to be OM. This point here, now, is the most challenging point you have come to yet. It marks the moment at which you choose to become a unified human organism and accept the perfection that is on the horizon, having no guarantee that the path before you is the one you might have wanted, had you known beforehand that your familiar landscape would come to this. Yet here you are, face to face with transformation on a grand scale. To turn away from this moment is increasingly impossible. Know that you are not alone, as you face it. Know that now, more than ever, you move into the future in tandem with your divine self, and with a constellation of kin at your side. Know that in this moment you are multiplied to the power of OM, and that there is no end to the infinity of being that you are.

Hang on. Things are hardly finished shifting the reality you know into a new form you might not recognize. Hold each other, by the hand or by the heart, knowing that the mysteries of love have yet to fully reveal themselves to you. We wait, and we are with you. Hang on.